Having your drains cleaned isn’t something you often think about before you have a plumbing emergency, but it’s a vital piece of maintenance for preserving effective, healthy pipe function. If you haven’t had a plumber clean your pipes recently—or ever—then it’s likely you’ve already started seeing the symptoms of clogged pipes without realizing it.
Sluggish drainage
The first sign that you need drain cleaning in a property is the slowing of normal drainage. Sinks, tubs, basins, dishwashers, washing machines, slow drainage from any of these is a problem; slow drainage from more than one points directly at your lines. As a property owner, avoid quick and dirty DIY. A plumber Humble TX will cost you more than Drano to clean your lines on the front end, but preserve your property over time.
Water backing up
When water that should be draining from one device or location turns up in another, this can be a sign of partial or fully clogged drains. This is especially common in gray water systems that are often linked, such as dish washers and garbage disposals, or dishwashers and washing machines. If soapy laundry water is ending coming out of your kitchen sink, you have a drainage problem.
Water-based appliances behaving strangely
Another sure sign of drainage problems is poor function from your water-based appliances. A toilet that flushes weakly, for example, or a garbage disposal that works poorly can point to sluggish drainage even if there’s no obvious sign of
Mold and mildew
Problems with mold and mildew can spring from any source of undrained water—so if you notice it in areas with drains, consider the possibility that slow drainage is giving time for unwanted growths to take root. This can also lead to pests and water damage, depending on the area.
Parting thoughts
If you’re seeing these problems on your properties, it’s time to start investing in regular drain cleaning. If you’re not seeing these problems, consider getting ahead of the problem—a single serious plumbing problem will cost you far more to repair than years of maintenance.